june 9th: boom; science!

Hello class. As you know, this school year is ending soon, and you already took the exam. I know y'all probably don't want to learn anything anymore, so I've decided to make today till the rest of the week a fun week. Oh and the other few days before school ends. I dunno.

A "yay" or two come from the classroom, the rest stay silent. Even the people who said something, sound like they're asleep. Everyone is still sleepy in second hour. Some parents have been pushing for a later start time, but the district has done nothing.

For our first experiment, I need everyone to throw on these glasses.

He passes some goggles that look like sunglasses. One of the girls complains about it messing up their hair, and leaving the infamous indent on their foreheads.

Do we really need these?

Do you really need to use your eyes?

That silenced her.

I need one helper. Who would like to volunteer?

Carlos's hand immediately shoots up.

Alright Carlos, come on up.


He slides back from his chair and lightly jogs up to behind the teacher's desk. Joel grabs some clamp, and reaches into a glass container to pull out a small cube of a white translucent metal. The cube, is about the size of a golf ball.

This... is fospium. It has very similar properties to magnesium, knowing this, what do you think would happen if we held it above a burner?

No one answers the question, even though it's a very obvious one.

Don't make me call on people.

Still no one.

Alright, Rhea... can you answer the question?

Uhm... it burns...

Yes... anything.... specific... happen when it burns?

Travis's hand shoots up.

Yes Travis?

He clears his throat.

Upon placing the... fos... pi... um above the flame, it will emit ultraviolet light, requiring us to wear these glasses to prevent permanent eye damage.

Yes... here Carlos, take this...

He hands Carlos the clamp with the piece of fospium, and instructs him to hold it over the flame. Carlos, hesitantly, moves the clamp above the flame. The cube starts to burn, sparks start to fly off it just like the sparklers that were extremely popular a long time ago. Those sparklers got banned after someone lit off 10,000 of them, killing a few people in the process.

Another ten seconds pass, with sparks flying off the cube, the danger involved with this experiment should not allow for students to perform it, but Joel doesn't care. Then, the cube makes a hissing sound, smoke rises, and the light from the cube grows in intensity, until a loud pop occurs.


I think he's finally losing it.

eh... you really missed out that day you were sick.

Carlos drops the test tube clamp that hold the cube, if it were not for them, the cube surely would of flown across the room, injuring someone, and possibly creating another fire.

The clamp rattles, almost falling off the edge of the countertop, then, it explodes into a blinding source of light, that shifts in color, starting at red, and fading to purple, passing through orange, yellow, green, and blue. Then, it jumps to red, and restarts. Anyone not wearing the special glasses, would be temporarily blinded for at least a day.


At this point the teacher was probably having more fun than the students, Carlos in second place. Abby was in the back of the small classroom on her HyperPhone.

Mr. Mays was quite an odd person. He has a teaching degree, and has been at the school for decades, yet he acts so crazy and seems to never learn anything from year to year, to the point he scheduled the exam a week and a half before school ended. Many question is job position. Many use his class for free class credits. Some are actually interested and have fun with it.