june 2nd: party like there's no tomorrow

Acros and Dan entered the house. It had graffiti all over the walls, a broken window, and a hole in the ceiling. At least two hard metal tracks are playing, at volumes that would beat out a LARZ concert. One more person crammed into this run-down single floor house, and the whole thing could possibly collapse. One misstep, and you might find yourself in the ER. Acros looks completely out of place here. Dan runs over to the back of the kitchen where his other friends are.

Under no circumstances would someone like Acros ever come here, but because of his friend's friend's friend hosted the party, he's here. Dan assured him it wasn't going to be that bad, but not everyone has the same scale for badness. Acros is visibly unconformable in this setting, as he obviosuly doesn't belong. He attempts to blend in.

The host of the show is, of course, Skyler, who stands out among the rest being about half a decade younger than most of the people here. Only a few people at the party were 8th Year kids he knew, the rest being older friends of friends of them.

Yo Acro! Come check it! You're never gonna believe it.

Acros walks over to where Dan is standing, bumping into what can only be assumed to be prostitutes. Everyone here is drunk and high out of their minds, with at least four of five passed out on the floor.

Woahhhh, it's a huge chocolate fountain! This is the best party ever.

Wow. Can you drink from it?

Absolutely. At least I think you can. Why would it be here if you couldn't. I've only seen these things in movies, but never in real life. This is a dream come true and

As Dan rambles on and on about the chocolate fountain, Acros takes a peek outside the window, which is half glass, and half 2x4s lazily nailed to the frame. Outside, three all-black SUVs pull up to the front of the house. Four men from each vehicle step out. Acros' face of worry quickly changes to panic.

and I mean like look at the height of it! must be wort—

Ye-ye-yeah COOL story bro, but we need to leave; Now!

Acros brother. Chill down. Nothing's going to happen. Just stay and have something to drink. I haven't seen you drink all night.

Another few minutes pass as Acros tries to convince Dan that this place was dangerous. But now it was time: The man of the show, Skyler Burns, climbs up the stacked tables with his mic. His parents were out on a business trip and wouldn't be back for another week.

Get this ass music out here it's time for the real shit.

The combined volume of all the people in the house made it rumble. There's no way this house should be standing, especially with the increased music volume, playing on speakers they figured out how to "overclock."

PERFECT! The party is officially going, and Dan is drunk. This won't be fun.

Two of the black-suited men walk to the door, while the others flank to the side and back doors. Acros feels the need he needs to do something, so he runs over to Dan, but he can't find him anywhere in the craze. The men outside seem so familiar to him, but he has no guesses.

A minute later Dan stumbles back in. Acros grabs his shirt and sprints out the back door. He knows that the men are dangerous. He's so out of it he can barely stand up on his own.

Bro! The hell is wrong with you; made me spill my drink!

Yeah cool, no time for chit chat, we have to leave. I MEAN IT!

The two hide in a large bush, right as one of the suited men walks around the corner. One of them pauses and gives a quite signal to hold.

We're going to get arrested here. I know it.

The man with black shades walks around the patch of bushes. The man has as a gun on his right hip along with multiple stun grenades. Those grenades were outlawed for the public to use, due to their extreme power. Acros slowly moves to silently tell Dan what he sees, when he lets out a small groan. Acros quickly covers his mouth, and it seems that no one else noticed.

They sneak through the bush to get farther away from them. Rather, Acros sneaks through dragging Dan.

Acros. You have to listen to m—

Dan, You're drunk out your mind. The only thing we need to do right now is get as far away from that party as we can.

ACROS! This is important! My sister died, JUST NOW! And I was never notified, besides those guys. I feel this is linked to when your wife and daughter died and nobody except you has heard of it.

Let's just get to my apartment and settle down. You're probably just drunk.

THINK, Acros. Where have you seen those men before? Why of all people do they want to talk to me? If there was a hyperTrain accident, everyone would know about it, so how come whenmy sister dies on one, NOBODY, not even you, has heard of it. And it's not just a bug in the system either. Accidents like these are always reported instantly, just like how yesterday an autonomous semi truck flipped. Boom, reported in eight seconds. This? It happened over two hours ago.

Alright, let's just get home where we know we are safe, tomorrow morning we can tal—

Just as they start walking, a bag is thrown over each of their heads, and their hands are taped behind their backs. A girl says in their ears.

Sorry, but this is gonna hurt just  a little~~


They are both hit very aggressively on the head, hard enough to be totally knocked out, but not hard enough to cause any permanent damage.

Back at the party, no one realized Dan left. No one realized Acros even came. They all had consumed way too many drugs to realize these kinds of things.


The music at the party rages on. Skyler as the DJ, hopping up and down, higher than the sky, pointing at the crowd.

Get yo' hands up!!!

Of the people still in the main room, half of them can barely stand, the other half is either passed out on the floor or slumped against the wall. The entire house is trashed. Plastic cups everywhere, broken glass, and overflowing trash cans.

As the music continues to play, Skyler being the DJ, drinking straight from the bottle. Some people sit down and chat, while others gather around two people playing a game.

You really betting 500?

You know it, b.

Travis and Phillip just agreed to play a game of chance for 500 Silver Credits. The game is classic Andian Roulette. Despite this version not including any worry for getting hurt, playing any version of it is seen as horrid as the real deal.

Wow they really make these props so real looking nowadays.

Travis was holding a replica Pulse Pistol, instead of firing concentrated energy, it shoots mildly annoying air bursts. Not powerful enough to do any damage unless pointed at an eye, but enough to make someone very uncomfortable. He fires it at the ceiling to show it's just a fake.

Get a look at this beauty.

He spins the gun on his index finger.

This used to be an functional Pulse Pistol until it got scrapped. There's plenty of them laying around if you know where to look. Of course they removed all of the core components, so it doesn't actually fire energy shots, and they stripped all the identification, so it's not mistaken for an actual pistol by soldiers.

So what are the rules?

Take as many shots as you want. Pass it back when you want.

Alright cool. I'll start.

Phillip takes three shots, considers another, but passes it to Travis.

Bold, huh?

Travis takes two shots and passes it back. Phillip also takes two.

Want to see me take eight next round?

Want to lose 500?

Travis takes one shot and passes it to Phillip. As said, Phillip takes eight shots, but on his fourth, the gun fires, making Phillip jump.

It's not gonna hurt you, silly. Now pay up.

Bullshit. You knew when it was going to fire, didn't you?

Phillip throws the gun at Travis. He catches it.

Double or nothing.

Alright fine.

Travis take two shots and throws it to Phillip. Phillip takes two.

You going to take eight?

Does it look like I want to lose 1000?

Travis takes one and quickly hands the gun to Phillip. He takes is slowly eyeing Travis. He then process to fire four shots in a row, tossing it back to Travis.

You're mad. You know that right?

Travis takes one, and passes the gun. On Phillip's first shot, the gun fires.


I better have my money by tomorrow.

Yeah whatever.

He storms out of the house, muttering swears about the stupid game and the money he lost. Phillip's plan to "become cool" obviously backfired. Such a shame, but he did learn the #1 rule of gambling: Don't bet more than you own. A gold credit (equal in value to 1000 silver credits) isn't an easy amount to earn quickly.

...He's not going to pay me is he?


You're not supposed to let him leave, idiotface. Don't expect anything from that; Call it your practice round for next time.

I'll play a round with ya, 12 Gold. No double nothing shit.

You think I'm rich?

By this point, not too many people are conscious; It's enough to keep a raging party though. The party rages on for a while longer.

Heyyyy I gotta find no—

Skyler was "singing" to the upbeat rap song, but completely out of sync. He falls over and knocks himself out. He and his friends had fun this night, even if this behavior it is absolutely not healthy at all