june 22nd: coffee break

Crazy month eh?

Crazy YEAR, I just feel like everything wrong has happened THIS year. Want to stop by the Coffee Shop for a few? I'm thirsty.

Yeah let's go there.

The Local Coffee Shop is busy this of night. People getting off work looking for a bite to eat, or school students looking for something to eat or drink before their study group. But since school has gotten out, students come to the Local Coffee Shop to hang out. anyone.

Man, almost every seat here is filled.

Emma and Kelly walk in, and quickly find a place to sit down and chat.

How's the 25 life?

Oh. It's been okay; Feels the same as being 24. How's the 26 life?

Oh. It's okay. Feels the same as being 25. Ages don't mean anything really anymore.

Kelly gets up from her place at the table, and waits in line to order a small coffee.

Across the Local Coffee Shop, others enjoy the night with a cup of coffee, or something to eat. Some even just come to sit down and get some work done.

What'd you get.

A croissant.

You and your croissants.

What? They're good here, you literally got a slice of bread.

Consider it even. Hey so you're going to be out on the 30th?

The... mmm- Of course I'll be out. Same spot I've always been at since we started learning AT Art.

Alright here's what I'm thinking. His supervisor is Nathan Baker, Senior Technician. He's probably not allowed to give out any details. But... his wife is Sarah, who works around the corner at The Lighthouse Grill. Any accurate information, would come from her.

I see. We can't just come right out and ask who was fired from her husband's job and why, even though she likely knows, because as far as anyone knows, no one knows who or why was fired.

Right. We're going to have to bait her. Wait for her to slip up.

What do you propose?

Eat there. Get her real busy. Maybe ask Phillip and Antonio to come. Ask about the outage. She won't know we know who her husband is.

Because we're just a bunch of young kids right?


Sounds like a plan. When are we doing this?

Friday. When they're the most busy.

Isn't that place pretty pricy? Are we all going to pitch in or something?

I don't know. We'd probably order the cheapest thing on the menu, which is probably some 20 credit soup, get the info, and leave.

Sounds like a plan. But what if it doesn't work. What if she doesn't slip up.

Oh. That's the part I didn't tell you about. Don't worry. I got some leverage against her.

Y-         Ok Lee-man. You do your magic.

Ian grabs his hyperPhone V connected to his wireless speakers.

Hello everyone. This is Ian here up front. I just wanted to let you all know we are officially out of our Signature Coffee for the night. Thank you for your understanding, and enjoy the rest of your night.

The announcement ends with a screech as the phone is set down. A few people in the line walk out without ordering anything. The music and the chattering of people resume soon after.

He's joking right?

Dunno. You should try and drink some water. I heard coffee dehydrates you.


I can help who's next.

Hi, can I have a gallon of your water.

Yeah Henry, can you come out front?

I really need to get going. Can I just have the water?

One sec.

What seems to be the problem?

This man wants one gallon of our water. I was wondering if we could legally give him that much.

I mean there is no "legal" limit, I don't see why not.

Alright. Would you prefer tap water or our signature water?

You have signature water?

We do. The best water in South Newgle.

Okay can I have one gallon of your tap water and one gallon of your signature water?

I 'bout to make a legal limit myself.

Alright. Will that be for here or to go?

To go please.

Alright. I'll call your name when it's ready. Yo! Kristen. Wanna do this?

Do wha

One gal sig, One gal tap.

Excuse me?

Yeah. Crazy right? Just get me a gallon's worth of signature water, and one for tap water as well.

Uhm... OK then...

Did that man just order two gallons of water?

I think so.

Why would a man need so much water?

Yan with a Y, your two gallons of water are ready.

What is this?

Two gallons of water.

Yes, but why is it in like 32 coffee cups.

Emma, who is sitting in the farthest corner with Kelly, is trying not to laugh at the stupidity of what is going on.

Does it look like we got gallon jugs laying around?


Yan takes his four boxes of coffee cups filled with water, and leaves. Once the doors are closed, Emma laughs out loud to the point everyone else notices.

What the absolute hell did I just see?

Nice work Kristen.

Thanks. Gotta have fun every once in a while. We actually did have gallon jugs in the back. Quite a lot to be honest. If anyone asks, I didn't see them.

