october 3rd: hifii's new headquarters


All these places look like they were built in the 300s.


You're looking through these too?

Cole and Danny scroll through the many buildings available for purchase in Aderas. Their needs are quite specific.


How does 500 Gold sound for a building.


That's like more than half of our funding. We won't be able to hire that many people.


Dan, check this out.

Cole sends a link to the building over email to Danny.


Hot damn.


I know right? Zac, check this out.




Woah. That looks nice.


I don't care where we end up, as long as it's out of this house.


There's a phone number here. Wanna call it?


Cole... I don't think...


I'm just going to check.

Cole pulls out his phone, and dials up Liz's number listed under the building. He puts it on speaker.


That's like 100 Gold above our budget.


Liz Kruin... leave a message.


Hi, this is Cole, calling you about the listing of the office building at 13th and Central. We would hope to get a tour soon, and maybe even put in an offer.

He ends the call.


An offer? are you crazy?


Trust me, this is the one. It has everything we need. Do we all really want to work in a building where we don't want to work? Just look at it.

This time, he sends out the link to the whole team in their own HiFii group chat.

Then, Cole's phone rings. He picks up.


Hi this is Liz. Can you come out today?


So glad all of you could come out today.


So this is the building that you wanted me to show you. It's approximately 20,000 square feet, selling for roughly 500 Gold. Let's go inside, and I'll show you around.






This is the lobby area. Quite spacious if you ask me. Believe it or not, this entire building was renovated just months ago. Down that hall is that office area, and over there is the common area. Where to first?


Let's check out the offices.


Good choice. Right this way.

The five of them follow Liz down the hall to the right of the lobby. It leads into an open office, furnished with modern desks and walls.


This building does offer closed offices along this this area here, which is right down that hall.

She points down another hall, with doors on both sides.


Wow... this is... BIG.


What I think you guys would really love is what's inside of this door. Anton, would you like to open this door?


Yeah sure.

He opens the door, already guessing what is inside of it.


This is going to be your server room. Probably the biggest one in the market for small office buildings like these. It's also probably why you liked this building so much from seeing it online.


Is that fire proofed wall?


I believe it is.


Great. Remember when we burnt a hole in the drywall of the house. Guess that won't happen here.


Don't even talk about that.


If you'd like, I'd love to take you to the common area.


That sounds wonderful.

Liz continues to take them around the building, showing them more office space, until they loop back around to the common area on the other side of the building.


Wow. Is that an entire bar?


Yup! The building comes with that, and even a kitchen. Let's step outside so we can discuss more details.


This building has enough office space for 35 employees max. There are seven closed offices and two bathrooms for both genders. After seeing the place... what are you thinking?


The place is great, but it might be a little high on the cost.


You're right. It meets all of our expectations, and with us wanting to stay in the city of South Newgle, it seems like the best option at the time.


The market right now is highly competitive, so if you're going to want to buy thing, you're going to need to put in an offer within the day.




Cole... do it.


With plans for expansion, there may be smaller establishments out there, but this one meets all of our needs, while others we would need to compromise on features and design.


With the recent renovation, you won't see another building for the same price for a while. Howev—


Sure... er... we'll throw in our offer.


Fabulous. Cole, I'll need you to come to our offices to file some paperwork. The others—


With all do respect Liz, I do ned to come. I'm more of the business side of the company, and these seem like real important documents, and I think I should be there when they are looked over and signed.


Oh... that's alright. You can come.


Cole... the boys and I will head back to the home just to finish up some things.


That's alright. Good luck.


You too. See you later.


Oh, and Liz... when this place was renovated, did they by any chance install a new air conditioning unit.


They did.

