october 25th: the jack of all trades




That sucked.


Yeah... and I'm not going to pretend that it went okay. But... we did get some, possibly, helpful information.

Acros, Aria, Harmony, and Jack sit in the war room.


Dan is resting in the infirmary, so he couldn't make it today.


The papers...


Yes. So, starting off easy, we got all six of our files. Seems to be the same information gathered from the power outage.


Wait you...


Yeah. I'll catch you up.


We also got a map. Which seems to be of the world, with a star in the south, beyond the outskirts.


Beyond? There's nothing there.


Nothing we know of.

Jack corrects her.


Finally, we have a letter it seems, hand written, thats... certainly unreadable.

All three things go up on the large screen in front of them all.


Looks like some alien language.


I'll send that over to Doug, and see if he knows anything about it.

They all take a minute to stare at it.


I don't like it. Where's Doug?


Had to head back to his actual job. We should probably follow the map. I mean if there was nothing out there, why would there be a map pointing to something out there.


Hmm. Well let's just think it over before we make any decisions.


That's going to be a long drive.


Oooh. A car trip. Are we going in another box?


No. Unfortunately, none of the important parts of the operation were ever uploaded back here, due to us being deep underground for most of it. So we don't got much to look at.


But look. There's at least one thing readable on the paper. The date. November 1st of last year.


Odd. Anything happen on that day?


On it.


Strange how they have somewhat recent papers in a place that's been abandoned for years and years.








Maybe that's when this stupid Reborn Project started.


Maybe. But what about Mike? He started the whole thing.


Might of been when his parents died. Not sure. Have to dig through his bins to find out.


Oooh that sounds like fun.


Alright Harmony, you're with me. Give us like 20 minutes to see if we find anything.



Aria walks out the door of the room, with Harmony following close behind.


So... you decided to join us?


Tough decision mate. I was just confused in July. I didn't know what I was going to do or where I was going to go. But when Doug found me walking in the outskirts, running away from all civilization, he asked me to rescue you.


I really didn't want to... but I thought about what you... all of you... must of been though. And... what I've been through. And I realized I just needed somebody.


We're here for you. And... sorry if we were a little forceful back in July. Everything was just so crazy back then. Now the entire city, maybe even the country, wants us arrested.


I understand. I just... have nothing to lose anymore. I'm sure some of you don't either. Because why would you risk your lives for some conspiracy where it would be much safer to keep your head out of.


You're right. I like the way you think.


I get that a lot. Anyways... you van got pretty beat up back there. Can I see what kind of repairs I can make?


Woah you can do that.


Yeah... father taught me how to do a variety of things starting at a young age. The things they don't teach you in school anymore. Home and vehicle repair. Maybe even some not so legal things. Don't tell anyone else that last part.


That's cool.


They used to call me the jack of all trades in school. Mainly cause my name was Jack. Funny at the time. Until...


Until what.



Acros backs off realizing it's a sore subject for him.


Well. Welcome to our bunker I guess. Your room will be the second to last room down the hall.


Thank you. Nice place by the way.


Old one. But works for our purposes.

The door slide open.


You find anything Ar... oh hey Dan. I thought you were...


Hey. This the new kid?

He walks in, sitting heavily in a chair, limping all the way.


Yeah. He decided to stay this time. I have a feeling you're going to like him.