october 23rd: the government building

Hold it together Harmony. Remember the plan guys. Stick close. Dan... you ready with the EMP?

I am.

The EMP is pulsating red, signalling that it is primed an ready. The van that they ride in is as bumpy as it gets. Harmony can't hardly hold herself together. Mike insisted that she comes. Doug starts to talk over their coms.

T-minus 45 seconds until the drop off, you guys are now fugitives on government property.

Great to know...

Aria mutes Doug's coms.

Aria? A- did she mute me?

I'm afraid she did.

Nobody can hear them from the outside, since their voices are isolated to their suits and coms. Thanks to Mike, they were put on a private network so they can't be intercepted by security teams there, monitoring all com channels.

T-minus 10, I'll see you on the other side.

With Doug and Mike working together, the Reformers were all given fake IDs registered to the database, so we should be able to access most areas without suspicion. At least until one of the security guards check the physical archives.

With a heavy thunk, they are set down into a cold storage room. Mike has his gun pulled out and ready, waiting for someone to open their crate. They all lay still.

A minute passes... two.... three... nobody.

This is kind of boring. Wasn't there supposed to be some action by now?

Shush. We may have to break out ourselves.

What if Dan sets off the EMP, and then Mike, you blow us out of this damn box.

There is no way of knowing what is outside of their crate. For they know we could be surrounded by 32 soldiers. But they aren't.

Good idea. Dan...


There is no going back.


Acros primes his plasma cannon and readies his shield for what awaits us outside.


The EMP sets off with a flash. A timer appears on all of their HUDs for ten minutes. Ten minutes until the search team inevitably finds them. Ten minutes until their possible deaths. All the footage is being recorded by our suit cams and being uploaded to Doug's server. He will be monitoring everything, but there is a hour delay of footage.

Mike fires off a pulse charge, instantly opening up one side of the box. The rest is set on fire.

Where's that mandatory search at?

Not sure but we have to keep moving.

Aria, watch behind us. Make sure we aren't being followed.

Whatever you say, dipshit.

Let's move.

They open the door leading to the stairs up to the ceiling of delivery. Mike leads them down each hall, stealthily moving around each corner. They walk up two flights of stairs. Harmony is moving slowly behind the group. Aria tells here to move her ass.

They follow the path layed out by Doug on their map. It should bring us around most security checkpoints. They must of thought of people like the Reformers, since there's the biggest security check entering the maintenance hall, meaning they have to take a bridge above delivery into a maintenance room that leads to a maintenance elevator around the security check.

They move slowly, careful not to make any loud noises with their metal boots. Harmony trips and falls making a huge clunk with her entire suit smashing into the bridge.


sowwy~ .。・゚゚・(>_<)・゚゚・。.

Mike opens the door quickly, being sure not to slam it on the other side. Acros rush in checking the room, gun out. Mike follows. They follow another fifty feet or so of hallway before reaching the elevator. The doors are scissor gated and rusty.

Get in the elevator.

They all scramble into the elevator. The elevator doors creek with every inch they move. The floor and ceiling are grated with rusty walls to accompany them. They start to decent.


After a minute of descending the elevator comes to a halt. The doors open with a creek, and they all slowly walk out and make their way to the door leading to the right wing of the capitol.

Mike kicks open the door and they all flood out looking like a SWAT team busting into a drug house.

Something's wrong. Where's everybody?


Is this some joke. I th-


Harmony takes a small step back.

Did that bitch set us up. There's supposed to be a couple dozen people walking by here.

Mike, we have to trust Doug. He's been with you the longest, you should know him. Just trust in him, and let's accomplish what we came here for.

As the gang begins to move, a door opens to their left. Everyone points their weapons at the door. A janitor walks out with a mop and bucket.

Jackass, get on the ground. You wa-

Aria, you forgot to turn on your external speakers.


She turns them on.

JACKASS, get on the ground.

Aria starts to approach the man. He complies instantly. He starts to reach for his push to talk button to report the situation. Acros shoots near his left hand, aiming to miss.

Don't even think about it.

You want to tell us where everyone is.

I- I don't know.

Aria kicks him in his side.

Bullshit. Tell us where everyone is or I'm going to blow every single bit of brain of of your head.

He says nothing. Aria kicks him again, he lets out a big grunt. She holds her gun up to his forehead and kneels on the ground.

Speak shithead.

I don't know sir.

At first Acros caught off guard that Aria was called a "sir", but he remembers that their voices are heavily modulated. Meanwhile the small man starts to sob on the ground.

Ari, leave him be.

Dan, tie him up. Throw him in the closet or something. Also use some heavy tape if you like.

It's impossible for the man to know what they are talking about on our coms, but when Mike pulls some rope and tape our of his personal storage compartment, the man starts to squirm and call for help. Aria is already on his back, and throws a hand over his mouth. Her suit fist is almost the size of his head.

Dan hesitates at first but eventually ties the man up to a chair. He finishes it off by taping his mouth shut, using a little more tape that he should.

G'night buddy.

The man's eyes bug out when Aria takes a spare pipe from the broom closet and hits it over his head.

This way. We got eight minutes before we have to bust out of here.

The Reformers continue down the abandoned halls, slowly making their way to the center.

Hol' up. Someone's talking,



Mike continues moving forward. The rest follow.

So what's the news.

A door on their right roughly fifteen feet ahead of them is cracked open about an inch. Enough to let some sound out.

We have suspicions on their locations, we should try and confirm this.

That's right. Bad news, we don't know where the sixth is. We think he's in the southern outskirts somewhere.

They all slowly shuffle our feet, travelling slower than before. Aria and Acros grapple ourselves above the doorway, being sure not to be seen and land without making a sound. Mike, Harmony, and Dan take their places on the other side of the door. Acros take the marble sized microphone bug Doug gave him and rolls it into the room, and broadcast the feed to all of our helmets.

I see. Good job guys. But what's the real reason you came here?

Well... since our operation is growing at an astonishing pace, we need extra room in our building.


We need more funding. Maybe like 500 gold.

Okay done. Anything else?

Wait really?

\(⌒▽⌒) Seven minutes.

I thought it'd take a lot more to convince you.

I'm going in.

You're WHAT.

You can't. Remember what Doug told us? We have to stick to the plan.

Mike hesitates for a minute.

If you go in there we're all de- MIKE!

Mike kicks open the door holding his gun.

Hands up shitheads... I SAID H-

Asshat, turn on your speakers.


He turns them on.

Cory, I thought you were supposed to guard the entrance.

Mike get back here.

What's the issue. Put the gun down.

They don't know there's five of us. They think this is Cory. If Mike plays this smart we can all get out ali-

JOHN! You're the new administrator right? What would happen if I assassinated you here and now.


Call the search team and arrest this man.


I'm going in.

You're gonna get us all ki-

Cory, motion sensor alert sector 2A. Let's investigate now.

And who might you be. I only remember posting one guard today. Sector 2A isn't a real sector by the way..


Acros quickly grabs Mike's suit grab handle behind his neck and pulls him out of the room. Aria already setup a magnetic lock, which should buy them a few seconds of time and they all begin to run.

Six minutes. (*・ω・)ノ

I'm really sorry gu-

What the fuck were you two thinking?

I thou-

There is no "I thought" Mike. These are-

Not now guys, we need to run.

Do you even know how fucked we are right now?

I can imagine we just need to get out of here.

They all move into the office portion of the building hoping to loose whoever might be chasing them. Acros spots a set of stairs ahead of them that are unmapped on our map.

Let's go down the stairs ahead of us. And see if there's some sort of secret exit.

Acro, thats unmapped territory. For all we know it could be a dead end.

Yeah well it's better than endlessly running. All exits are probably locked right now. We need another way out.

ヾ(*'▽'*) Five minutes. Yay!

Harmony, we don't need your timer any more. They already know we're here.


They continue to run down the brick walled hall passing old wooden doors on the left and right. Those must of been the old offices of the capitol. Ancient tech. Mike suddenly stops and looks down.

Hold up everyone.

He keeps moving backwards and forwards above a certain tile on the floor. It sinks about an inch. He finally put's all his weight on it, and a floor right where I am standing pops open and swings upward on hinges. In it is another hall filled with cobwebs and dripping water.

They're down here.

Everyone in.

Everyone starts jumping down into the hole.

There he is.

Several flashlight beams shine around in the hall above.

Put your hands up and we won't kill you.

Mike put's his hands up and looks down in the hole at them.

I'm sorry.

Mike slams the heavy door on them. The door locks into place.


The last thing Acros, Dan, Aria, and Harmony hear is a loud blast and metal falling to the ground. Indistinguishable mumbling and footsteps above us, slowly walk away.

Moments pass.

Mike, has unfortunately been lost, meaning we are on our own. This area is so old no one should know we're down here. We just need to be careful, and hide for the night.

.・゚゚・(/ω\)・゚゚・. Acros?

Y- yeah?

Who's going to lead us... can you? (。╯︵╰。)

I'll try. First, we need somewhere to hide. Let's walk around a little bit and see if we can find somewhere to sleep. I don't think we're getting out of here today.